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Barb Grandison

Fitness Junkie, for over 40 years

Barb is the mother of five children and the wife of Ronnie Grandison. She currently runs BG FIT and is the fitness/marketing director at RG Sports Academy. Barb began her fitness career almost 40 years ago as an aerobics instructor. She taught aerobics at the world famous Mayo Clinic, was a professional cheerleader, and taught fitness at professional athletes conference. Barb was formerly the owner of Solid Sweat, Inc., the fitness director at Courts of Praise Christian Center, and the aerobics director at International Health Spa. 


AFAA certified fitness, kickboxing, indoor spin, and weight room instructor, as well as a certified personal trainer. eCornell certified in plant based nutrition. NASM certified nutrition coach


We're not going for perfection, we're going for better than ever!

Getting better with age!

This is a Lifestyle

There is no finish line or race to the end.

The most important part of me is my family. I have been married 32 years and have five children. My husband is a former NBA basketball player, which gave me the opportunity to experience fitness all over the U.S. along with overseas. We have five children ages 32 years old to 17 years old. I am 58, and by living healthily, my figure has improved since my high school days, even after having 5 children.

The key to my success!


Thanks for your interest!

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